Custom Node.js Services: Essential for Backend

Node.JS is a powerful platform that provides developers with the tools needed to create scalable, high-performance backend applications. It is a compilation of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, the Libuv platform abstraction layer, and a central library written primarily in JavaScript. Node.JS has gained immense popularity among developers due to its efficiency, versatility, and ease of use. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of using Custom Node.JS Development Services for backend development.

Node.JS Frameworks for Building APIs, Real-time Web Applications, and More

HAPI.JS – A Powerful Node.JS Internet Framework for Building APIs

Hapi.JS is a popular Node.JS internet framework used for building application programming interfaces (APIs) and other software programs. The framework has a robust plugin system and numerous key features that make it a preferred choice among developers. Hapi.JS is used by several large-scale websites, including Disney, Walmart, PayPal, and more.


Socket.IO – A Real-time Web Application Development Framework

Socket.IO is a Node.JS server framework used for building real-time web applications. It allows for bi-directional communication between the server and web clients. Like Node.JS, Socket.IO is also event-driven, making it ideal for building applications that require real-time data exchange.


EXPLICIT.JS – A Minimalist Framework for Pure Node.JS Development

Explicit.JS is a minimalist framework for Node.JS development that allows writing code in pure Node.JS with minimal lines of code. One of the core Node project team members developed this essential framework for Node.JS. With Explicit.JS, developers can build powerful applications with fewer lines of code.


MOJITO.JS – A Yahoo! Cocktails-based Custom Node.JS Development Services Platform

Mojito.JS is a JavaScript framework based on Yahoo! Cocktails, a Custom Node.JS development services platform introduced by the Yahoo! Developer community. JavaScript is the only programming language used for the Yahoo! Cocktails platform. With Mojito.JS, developers can build powerful and scalable applications using JavaScript.


METEOR.JS – An Open-source Node.JS Framework for Building Websites and Applications

Meteor.JS is an open-source Node.JS framework used for building websites and internet/mobile applications. It allows developers to write both client and server components of an application in JavaScript. Meteor.JS also includes a Node.JS Developers version that allows for creating applications using lesser JavaScript code.


How is Node.JS Different from Internet JavaScript?

Node.JS provides developers with an exceptional set of APIs suitable for backend development. In browsers, developers have access to a variety of DOM/web APIs that allow them to interact with the UI and access hardware to a limited extent. In contrast, Node.JS comes with many APIs suitable for backend development. While browsers do offer some basic guides for file systems or HTTP requests, they are often limited due to security concerns.



Custom Node.JS Development Services are essential for building high-performance and scalable backend applications. With the help of powerful frameworks like Hapi.JS, Socket.IO, Explicit.JS, Mojito.JS, and Meteor.JS, developers can build powerful and efficient applications using JavaScript. At Etelligens, our top Node.JS app developers have transformed many ideas into successful applications using Node.JS development services. Our mobile apps not only exemplify excellence, but they also mold business strategy for dominating success.

Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar Creative Director
Pankaj is a seasoned web designer with a proven track record in the IT and services industry. His expertise lies in crafting user-friendly and visually appealing websites through his mastery of user experience design, graphics, and logo creation. Pankaj's experience allows him to translate complex ideas into intuitive interfaces that engage and empower users.