
IoT Development Services Company

Build smart IoT solutions with the help of the best IoT developers

IOT Development Services

Etelligens: Your End-to-End IoT Development Partner!

Empower your business with the transformative power of IoT. Etelligens, a leading full-stack IoT development company, delivers robust solutions tailored to boost your performance and market value. We go beyond software development – our expertise encompasses connected device development, sensor integration with legacy systems, and user-friendly web and mobile applications for seamless IoT management. Partner with Etelligens to unlock operational efficiencies, gain a competitive edge, and achieve your unique business goals with our proven track record of success in the B2B space.

IoT App Development Advantages

Enjoy the advantages of IoT services and boost your ROI with Etelligens

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Enhance Productivity

To enhance productivity, we provide real-time IoT based training to employees, keep them informed, and establish better coordination with clients.

Cost Optimization

Cost Optimization

Our IoT ecosystem provides superior asset utilization that makes things easier to obtain at a minimal expense. It helps users optimize costs by keeping variations in check.

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Real-Time Analytics

Our enterprise-ready IoT solution is a blessing in disguise with real-time analytics. It uncovers the issues with the freedom to fix them any time as per the user’s convenience.

IoT infrastructure support

Track Operations & Assets

Etelligens enhances visibility for resources and provides a chain that permits users to track down and run preventative IoT infrastructure support.

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Enhances User Experience

With IoT enabled devices, we help our customers interact with smart trackers, assist them in tracking their cargo, and process the transaction using smartphones.

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Increased Sales

Sales play a key role in the profitability of any business. IoT opens the door for new business opportunities and helps companies in increasing their sales opted from advanced models and services.

Our IoT Development Services

Stay ahead of the competition with our flexible IoT development services!


Industrial IoT

Etelligens offers a comprehensive range of secure IoT software development services for integrated systems users, from content management engineering, IoT data pipeline structure to developing functional and smart web and mobile applications.


Smart Retail

We encourage users by unlocking the Internet of Things’ potential in retail to get the maximum benefit from their data. By incorporating connected technology and smart insights into the user’s activities, we make the in-store experience an enjoyable experience for them.

Connected IoT

Connected Buildings

Our Connected Buildings services can operate in several areas, including multiple building infrastructure management, access control, and surveillance cameras. We help customers achieve better asset life, cost efficiency, improved comfort for the users, and unified management.

OTA Software

OTA Software

Etelligens is a promising company that updates software and firmware using over the top (OTA) software. We keep ourselves updated with the latest and secure OTA technologies and tools to deliver a bug and risk-free update that benefits users in the best possible way.

Why Etelligens Is The First Choice For Your IoT App Development?

Because we have the right USPs to be counted among the top IoT app development companies in USA & India

IoT Support and Maintenance

IoT Support and Maintenance

Our services are a cost-effective option that covers all aspects of IoT product development and support needs. Our IoT app development team is readily available to assist on-demand issues when they are reported.


IoT Development Consultancy

Being one of the top IoT development companies, we give unparalleled consulting services to our clients. We provide intensive collaboration among professional IoT developers & IT experts.

IoT Testing Services

IoT Testing Services

Our IoT testing services have successfully delivered results to companies from different industries. Our personalized IoT platform and end-to-end security testing resolve security concerns and facilitate excellent efficiency.

IoT Application Development

IoT Application Development

We have extensive expertise in designing and building useful, practical web, and mobile apps that allow users to access the IoT ecosystem that fits their requirements well.

Voice-Enabled Technology Solutions

Voice-Enabled Technology Solutions

We at Etelligens recognize the demand for voice-enabled technology, and subsequently, the need to consolidate this technology into methods to create a seamless and compelling client experience.

IoT Module Development

IoT Module Development

IoT architecture consists of several modules that enable integrating internet things and secure data flow among system components. We reconfigure this framework to specific customer needs.

IoT Gateway Development

IoT Gateway Development

IoT Gateway expansion is such a vital aspect of an enterprise-grade IoT system implementation. Our IoT developers can funnel out the high priority information from the data obtained.

IoT application development

Data Analysis

Our IoT software development team performs insightful data analysis services, including cleaning, data audit, inspection, and data modeling. Our services help you increase sales and stride ahead in business.

Frequently Asked Questions


Imagine a world where your coffee maker starts brewing as you approach, your thermostat adjusts based on your location, and your factory machines predict maintenance needs before they break down. That's the power of the Internet of Things (IoT), and IoT development is the process of bringing these connected devices and systems to life. It involves designing, building, and deploying solutions that collect data from sensors, analyze it, and use it to automate tasks, improve efficiency, and gain valuable insights. So, whether you're building a smart home, a connected factory, or a remote healthcare monitoring system, IoT development is the key to unlocking its potential.

Businesses across industries are embracing IoT development for a multitude of reasons:
• Increased efficiency and productivity: Automate tasks, optimize processes, and gain real-time insights to streamline operations.
• Reduced costs: Save on maintenance, improve resource utilization, and predict potential issues before they become costly problems.
• Enhanced customer experience: Offer personalized services, improve product quality, and provide real-time support to delight your customers.
• New revenue streams: Develop innovative products and services, unlock new markets, and create recurring revenue models.

The cost of IoT development varies greatly depending on the complexity of your project, the number of devices involved, and the chosen development partner. However, here's a general breakdown:
• Simple projects: $5,000 - $20,000
• Medium-sized projects: $20,000 - $100,000
• Enterprise-level projects: $100,000+
Remember, the cost is just one factor to consider. Choosing an experienced and reliable IoT development company like Etelligens can save you money in the long run by ensuring efficient project execution and avoiding costly mistakes.

Finding the "best" IoT development company depends on your specific needs and budget. However, Etelligens stands out for its:
• Proven track record: We have a diverse portfolio of successful IoT projects across various industries.
• Experienced team: Our team comprises skilled engineers and designers who understand the intricacies of IoT development.
• Agile methodology: We use an iterative approach to ensure your project stays on track and meets your expectations.
• Scalable solutions: We build solutions that can adapt to your growing needs and future requirements.
To help you compare and choose the right partner, consider factors like the company's experience, expertise in your industry, team size and qualifications, and client testimonials.

Becoming an IoT developer requires a blend of technical skills and problem-solving abilities. Here are some key areas to focus on:
• Programming languages: C++, Python, Java, JavaScript
• Embedded systems development
• Networking and communication protocols
• Cloud computing and data analytics
• Security and privacy
You can acquire these skills through formal education, online courses, or on-the-job training. Additionally, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the IoT space is crucial for continued success.

The possibilities with IoT are endless, but here are some common applications across different industries:
• Smart homes: Connected thermostats, lighting systems, appliances, and security solutions for enhanced comfort and convenience.
• Connected factories: Real-time monitoring of equipment performance, predictive maintenance, and optimized production processes.
• Wearable devices: Fitness trackers, smartwatches, and health monitors for personalized health insights and improved well-being.
• Smart cities: Connected traffic systems, waste management solutions, and environmental monitoring for efficient resource management and improved citizen services.
• Agriculture: Precision farming with sensor-based irrigation, crop monitoring, and livestock tracking for increased yield and sustainability.
These are just a few examples, and the potential applications of IoT continue to expand as technology evolves.

Security is a critical concern in IoT development, as interconnected devices can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. However, several measures can be taken to mitigate these risks:
• Choose secure hardware and software: Opt for devices and platforms with proven security features and regular updates.
• Implement strong authentication and encryption: Protect sensitive data with robust security protocols and access controls.
• Segment your network: Isolate critical systems from less secure devices to minimize the attack surface.
• Monitor your systems for suspicious activity: Continuously monitor your network for potential threats and vulnerabilities.
By prioritizing security throughout the development process, you can build robust and reliable IoT solutions that protect user data and privacy.
Remember: While I've provided a general overview, it's essential to conduct a thorough security assessment for your specific project and implement appropriate security measures based on its unique requirements.
I hope these answers provide valuable insights into the world of IoT development. If you have any further questions or specific project needs, feel free to reach out to Etelligens for a free consultation. Our team of experts is here to help you unlock the full potential of IoT and achieve your business goals.

Navigating the world of IoT platforms can be overwhelming, as there are many options available. Here's a breakdown of the main types:
• Device management platforms: These platforms help you manage and connect your IoT devices, offering features like provisioning, data collection, and remote control. Examples include Amazon AWS IoT Core, Microsoft Azure IoT Hub, and Google Cloud IoT Core.
• Application development platforms: These platforms provide tools and services for building and deploying IoT applications. They often include pre-built libraries, analytics tools, and user interface components. Examples include PTC ThingWorx, Siemens MindSphere, and Bosch Rexroth Bosch Connected Devices Cloud.
• Analytics platforms: These platforms help you analyze the vast amount of data generated by your IoT devices. They offer features like data visualization, machine learning, and anomaly detection. Examples include IBM Watson IoT Platform, SAS IoT Analytics, and Splunk Industrial IoT.
Choosing the right platform depends on your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise. For expert guidance and platform selection assistance, consider partnering with an experienced IoT development company like Etelligens.

While exciting, IoT development comes with its own set of challenges:
• Security: Protecting sensitive data collected from devices and ensuring network security is paramount.
• Connectivity: Managing diverse devices with varying protocols and ensuring reliable communication can be complex.
• Data management: Processing and analyzing the massive amount of data generated by IoT devices requires robust infrastructure and expertise.
• Interoperability: Ensuring seamless integration between different devices, platforms, and applications can be challenging.
• Cost: Implementing and maintaining an IoT solution can be expensive, especially for large-scale projects.
By partnering with an experienced IoT development company like Etelligens, you can leverage their expertise and proven methodologies to overcome these challenges and ensure your project's success.

The future of IoT development promises exciting possibilities with continued advancements in areas like:
• Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Enabling deeper data analysis, predictive insights, and intelligent automation in IoT applications.
• Edge computing: Processing data closer to the source for faster response times and reduced reliance on cloud infrastructure.
• 5G and beyond: High-speed, low-latency networks facilitating massive connectivity and real-time communication for complex IoT applications.
• Blockchain technology: Enhancing security and transparency in data sharing and transactions within IoT ecosystems.
These advancements will unlock further innovation and pave the way for even more transformative applications of IoT across various industries and aspects of our lives.