QA Testing Company

Providing Software Testing Services

qa testing services

Etelligens offers affordable, high-quality QA testing services to ensure your software is flawless, user-friendly, and delivered on time. Our experienced testers leverage cutting-edge tools and methodologies to identify and fix bugs early, reducing risk and accelerating development. Whether you need manual or automated testing, functional or non-functional testing, we have a custom solution to fit your specific needs. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how Etelligens can help you deliver exceptional software that drives success.

Our QA Testing Services Include

We provide various testing services to the companies in the form of:

We provide top-notched QA Software Testing services to varieties of clients from various industry. We bring the world’s best software testing experts to your business and solves the issues before you come to know they exist and gives complete quality assurance software. Our Software Testing services are scalable, fast and based on our clients’ expectations.

Performance Testing

Performance Testing

We are a world leader in providing performance testing to our clients. In this service, we provide performance testing using JMeter tools for all kinds of mobile applications, web applications, internet-based desktop applications, web services, and API software application, etc.


Automation Testing

We use a combo of automated and manual testing to fast-track the mobile app testing process, so that you can release your apps quicker, knowing they are top-notch and bug-free. To fulfill the technical needs of application testing, we use various automation testing tools like Appium, Zephyr, etc. that help us to increase the speed and the effectiveness of the application and software testing cycle.

Security Testing

Security Testing

Information and data security are the prime concern for all software and application development companies. We at Etelligens have a proficient and dedicated security testing team experienced in both commercials as well as open-source tools to take this security testing from early stages of the SDLC.


Mobile App Testing

To meet the global demand of the technology market, we as a certified mobile app testing company provide quality assurance testing services in testing applications on different platforms like Android and iOS, etc. We perform all types of web, hybrid and native mobile apps testing that accommodates every single test on both the mobile and non-mobile versions of the application.


Cloud Testing

We provide an innovative testing solution, especially on the cloud platform, where we have a robust and customizable test strategy which can be leveraged to validate any cloud-based application. We have a team of skilled and experienced professionals that create a tailor-made approach of cloud testing applications and giving the desired results to our esteemed clients.

Frequently Asked Questions


QA testing, or Quality Assurance testing, is the process of thoroughly evaluating software to ensure it meets its intended purpose, functions correctly, and delivers a high-quality user experience. It involves various activities like:
● Functional testing: Verifying features work as designed and specifications are met.
● Non-functional testing: Evaluating performance, usability, security, and other critical aspects.
● Regression testing: Ensuring functionality remains intact after code changes.
Think of QA testing as a quality check for your software, identifying and resolving issues before they reach your users.

While internal testing is valuable, partnering with a professional QA testing service offers several advantages:
● Expertise & Experience: Dedicated QA teams possess in-depth knowledge and diverse testing methodologies to cover all aspects of your software.
● Objectivity & Independence: An external perspective provides unbiased evaluation, uncovering issues you might miss internally.
● Efficiency & Cost-effectiveness: Accessing a wider pool of testers and specialized tools can be more efficient and cost-effective than building your own QA team.
● Faster Time to Market: Early bug detection and resolution through thorough testing accelerate development and release timelines.
● Improved Quality & User Experience: Delivering bug-free, high-quality software enhances user satisfaction and brand reputation.

The cost of QA testing can vary depending on several factors, including:
● Project size and complexity: Larger and more complex software requires more extensive testing, impacting costs.
● Testing scope and types: The specific types of testing needed (functional, performance, etc.) influence costs.
● Testing duration: Longer testing periods naturally incur higher costs.
● Engagement model: Hourly rates, fixed-cost projects, or performance-based models have different cost structures.
Instead of a one-size-fits-all answer, consider consulting with a reputable QA testing company like Etelligens for a tailored quote based on your specific project needs. We offer flexible engagement models and transparent pricing to ensure cost-effective testing solutions.

Selecting the right QA testing partner requires careful evaluation. Consider these key factors:
● Experience and Expertise: Look for a company with proven experience in your industry and specific testing needs.
● Methodology and Tools: Understand their testing methodologies and the tools they use to ensure alignment with your requirements.
● Communication and Collaboration: Choose a partner that prioritizes clear communication and collaboration throughout the testing process.
● Flexibility and Scalability: Opt for a company adaptable to your project's evolving needs and able to scale their testing efforts accordingly.
● Cost and Transparency: Compare pricing structures and ensure transparent cost breakdowns to make informed decisions.

QA testing encompasses various methodologies, each focusing on different aspects of software quality:
● Functional testing: Verifies features function as intended according to specifications.
● Non-functional testing: Evaluates aspects like performance, security, usability, and compatibility.
● Performance testing: Measures software speed, responsiveness, and scalability under load.
● Security testing: Identifies and mitigates potential security vulnerabilities.
● Usability testing: Assesses how easily and intuitively users can interact with the software.
● Regression testing: Ensures new code changes haven't introduced new bugs or broken existing functionality.
The specific types of testing needed depend on your software type, target audience, and risk factors.
Remember, Etelligens offers comprehensive QA testing services covering all these areas, ensuring your software is thoroughly evaluated and released with confidence. We go beyond basic testing by applying industry best practices and leveraging our expertise to provide you with actionable insights and a seamless testing experience.

The QA testing landscape is constantly evolving, embracing innovative technologies and methodologies to ensure ever-higher software quality. Here are some of the hottest trends:
● AI-powered testing: Leveraging artificial intelligence to automate repetitive tasks, analyze vast amounts of test data, and even predict potential issues before they occur. This enhances efficiency, accuracy, and test coverage.
● Cloud-based solutions: Shifting testing infrastructure to the cloud offers scalability, flexibility, and access to cutting-edge tools without hefty upfront investments. Companies like Etelligens utilize cloud platforms to provide agile and cost-effective testing solutions.
● Shift-left testing: Integrating testing earlier into the development lifecycle, catching bugs sooner and saving time and resources down the line. This promotes a collaborative and quality-centric development approach.
● Low-code/no-code testing tools: Democratizing testing by enabling even non-technical users to contribute through user-friendly interfaces and visual scripting. This broadens testing scope and empowers diverse teams.
● IoT and blockchain testing: Addressing the unique challenges of emerging technologies like Internet of Things and blockchain with specialized testing methods and tools to ensure their security, performance, and functionality.
Stay ahead of the curve with Etelligens by adopting these cutting-edge QA testing trends. We continuously invest in our expertise and tools to deliver future-proof testing solutions for your software projects.

Software QA testing, also known as quality assurance testing, is the comprehensive evaluation of software to ensure it meets its intended purpose, functions correctly, and delivers a seamless user experience. It encompasses various activities like:
● Functional testing: Verifying features work as designed and specifications are met.
● Non-functional testing: Evaluating aspects like performance, security, usability, and compatibility.
● Regression testing: Ensuring functionality remains intact after code changes.
Think of software QA testing as a rigorous quality check, identifying and resolving issues before they reach your users. By investing in thorough testing, you ensure a bug-free, high-performing software that builds user trust and brand reputation.

Mobile app QA testing focuses on meticulously evaluating mobile applications across various devices, operating systems, and network conditions. It ensures your app delivers a flawless user experience across different screen sizes, platforms, and usage scenarios. Key aspects of mobile app testing include:
● Functionality testing: Confirming features work as intended on different devices and OS versions.
● Performance testing: Measuring app responsiveness, speed, and resource consumption under varying loads.
● Usability testing: Evaluating how intuitive and user-friendly the app is on different screen sizes and touch interfaces.
● Compatibility testing: Ensuring the app functions seamlessly across different device models and operating systems.
Etelligens boasts extensive experience and expertise in mobile app testing, helping you deliver high-quality, engaging apps that keep your users coming back for more.

Determining the "top" QA testing companies depends on several factors like your project size, industry, and specific testing needs. However, some highly regarded companies include:
● Etelligens: Provides comprehensive QA testing services for web, mobile, and API applications, leveraging innovative tools and proven methodologies.
● Cigniti: Offers a wide range of software testing services, including functional, performance, and security testing.
● QASource: Specializes in QA testing for various industries, including healthcare, finance, and legal.
● Applause: Utilizes a crowdtesting approach to provide comprehensive testing coverage for various platforms.
● BugLabs: Specializes in mobile app testing with a focus on security and performance.

The "best" tools depend on your specific testing needs and project requirements. Some popular options include:
● Test management tools: Jira, TestRail, Zephyr
● Automated testing tools: Selenium, Cypress, Appium
● Performance testing tools: LoadRunner, JMeter, Gatling
● Security testing tools: Burp Suite, Acunetix, Netsparker
● Bug tracking tools: Bugzilla, Mantis, Asana
Remember, the most effective testing strategy often involves a combination of different tools and manual testing efforts. Consider researching and evaluating various tools based on your specific needs and budget.
Etelligens leverages a wide range of industry-leading testing tools and platforms to ensure comprehensive and efficient testing for your software projects. We help you select the right tools and tailor your testing approach for optimal results.