Software Performance Testing Services

Performance Testing services

With 10 years of experience in software testing and 8 years in test automation, Etelligens ensures your application meets speed, stability, and scalability requirements.

Etelligens’s performance testing experts validate your system’s stability and proper functioning under expected, continuous, and stress load using proven tools to provide an all-encompassing view of its performance.

Performance Testing Types Etelligens Conducts


Load testing

We assess system behavior under various load conditions to identify the number of connections the system can handle while delivering optimal response times, and detect bottlenecks.


Stress testing

We determine the maximum operating capacity the system can handle under extreme loads and check its performance when the load exceeds the expected maximum.


Scalability testing

We measure the system’s ability to scale under increased load, identifying the point where scaling stops and planning for future growth.


Stability testing

We evaluate if the system remains stable over extended periods (including 24/7 operation) to plan maintenance activities and minimize downtime.

Your Software Is in Good Hands – We Guarantee

As a dedicated performance testing company, we test various software types:


Application types

  • By nature: Web, mobile, and desktop applications.
  • By function: SaaS and enterprise software (e.g., ERP, CRM, BI).
  • By deployment: Cloud-based, on-premises, and hybrid software.
  • By key technology: IoT, big data, blockchain, AI/ML, etc.
  • By architecture: All types, including microservices and SOA-based apps.


  • Adobe Commerce.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365.
  • SharePoint.
  • Salesforce.
  • ServiceNow.
  • SAP.
  • Oracle.

Our Performance Testing Deliverables

  • A defect tracking log for visibility and management of defect fixing.
  • A suite of reusable performance test scripts for regular software performance control.
  • Performance test results reports including executed tests, test lab components, summary and numerical results, and software performance KPIs visualized through graphs and tables.

We Test Your Software with Flexible and Reliable Tools


Performance testing tools:

full stack web development
full stack software development
full stack development company india

Test management and defect tracking software:

full stack web development
full stack software development
full stack development company india
full stack development company india
full stack development company india
full stack development company india
full stack development company india
full stack development company india

Our Performance Testing Process

Each performance testing project is unique and requires a custom plan. Here’s a general picture of our testing process:

  • Software requirements analysis.
  • Performance testing planning and test design:

    - Choosing optimal performance testing tools.
    - Assembling the testing team.
    - Defining test scenarios, metrics, and acceptance criteria.
    - Developing test scripts.

  • Preparing test data and configuring the test environment.
  • Running performance test scripts.
  • Analyzing results and identifying bottlenecks.
  • Preparing recommendations for performance improvements.
  • Retesting the system after bottlenecks are eliminated.

Etelligens Values Your Time and Provides Pricing Flexibility

Flexible pricing policy

Flexible pricing policy

Fixed price for small/medium projects and T&M model for projects with unstable testing scope.

Time-effective service delivery

Time-effective service delivery

We dive into your software specifics within 1-3 days and present initial performance results within 2 weeks.

Benefits Etelligens’s Performance Testing Brings

  • Comprehensive view of software performance under various loads, covering KPIs such as response time, hits per second, throughput, latency, errors per second, connect time, and maximal number of users.
  • Project budget savings through timely detection of performance issues.
  • Optimized testing time and budget with reusable performance testing suites.
  • Zero performance issues in production due to best practices and clear test reports.
  • High user adoption and satisfaction rates from validated software stability under stress and peak load.

Frequently Asked Questions


Performance testing involves assessing how well a system responds and remains stable under specific workloads. These tests aim to gauge speed, reliability, robustness, and the overall scalability of an application. By executing performance tests, developers gain insights into the system's responsiveness and its ability to handle varying loads effectively.

Performance testing is highly critical because it assesses whether a system can meet the necessary speed, stability, and scalability requirements under heavy loads.

Performance testing KPIs and metrics include response time, throughput (transactions processed per unit time), error rate, and resource utilization. Response time measures how quickly a system responds to user requests. Throughput indicates the volume of transactions processed within a specific timeframe.

There are several types of performance tests, such as Load Testing, Stress Testing, Endurance Testing, Throttle Testing, Peak Testing, and Scalability Testing.

API performance testing assesses how well an application programming interface (API) can manage heavy workloads and maintain high performance across different conditions.