What is done by a Web App Development Company?

Web apps are revolutionizing our daily routines, whether it’s the way we work, find entertainment, or connect with one another. Think of how applications like Zoom, Netflix, and Canva have seamlessly integrated into our lives. Yet, their success wasn’t just handed to them; it was earned through meticulous development, ensuring each app was rich in features, free of bugs, and high in performance.

At Etelligens, a leading PHP development company in India, we’ve mastered the art of web application development. With a wealth of experience under our belts, we’ve set out to demystify the web application development stages for entrepreneurs and businesses eager to make their mark. Here, we shine a spotlight on the most commonly embraced process in the development of transformative web applications.

The Evolutionary Web Application Development Process

While the steps in web application development can range from five to nine, there typically are eight pivotal stages in the web app development journey:


1- Requirements Review & Proposal: This initial stage is where ideas transition into detailed plans. Entrepreneurs and businesses begin with a vision, gradually refining it into a comprehensive document outlining the app’s objectives, desired features, technological framework, budget, and future aspirations.

By delving deep into this document, our development team gains a nuanced understanding of your application’s mission, core objectives, target audience, industry focus, milestones, and other essential components. This clarity is further enhanced through interactive discussions and detailed questionnaires, enabling our developers to grasp the project’s depth fully.


2- Planning & Blueprints: Post the ideation phase, the focus shifts to mapping out the application’s development trajectory. Utilizing insights from the initial phase, developers craft a strategic blueprint, incorporating flowcharts and sketches that lay out the application’s architecture.

Flowcharts, or Sitemaps, elucidate the interconnections between various web pages, offering a clear view of the website’s internal mechanics. Meanwhile, wireframes provide a graphical representation of the user interface, ensuring that the core application structure aligns with the envisioned goals. Throughout this stage, maintaining a collaborative dialogue with clients is paramount, ensuring the application’s foundation is solid and aligned with their expectations.

Stay tuned for a deeper dive into the modern ecommerce development services and uncover how much web app development might cost you. For a bespoke estimate, feel free to reach out to us!

Crafting the User Interface: The Art of Web Application Design


3- Web Application Design: The design phase is where your web application begins to take on a visual and interactive identity. Users might be unaware of the backend complexities, but what they interact with is the design—the face of your application. This stage is all about refining the design elements to ensure they are not just visually appealing but also intuitive and user-friendly.

Designers delve into the color palettes, graphics, icons, templates, and user experience aspects to sculpt the application’s aesthetic and functional interface. They consider style guides, transitions, buttons, and user interaction elements to craft a coherent and engaging design. After the initial design mockups are prepared, they are presented to clients for feedback. This iterative process of design refinement continues until every detail aligns with the client’s vision. Meanwhile, parallel to the design efforts, the development team focuses on the programming aspect, ensuring that the design and development phases complement each other efficiently.

Discover how we revitalized a web application attracting 300k monthly visitors. Explore our success stories and case studies for more insights.


4- Web Application Programming: Moving beyond the aesthetics, the programming stage is akin to assembling the engine of a car. This phase is where the application’s functionalities come to life, embodying the features that deliver value to the end-users. Developers engage in crafting the application framework, deploying APIs, constructing features, enhancing security, integrating payment systems, and much more, bringing the envisioned application to reality.

The complexity and duration of this stage heavily depend on the chosen technologies and the proficiency of the programming team. Advanced technology stacks and experienced developers can significantly expedite this process, ensuring that the application is not only robust but also scalable and secure.

Considering offshore development? Learn why hiring offshore PHP developers could be a game-changer for your project.

Enhancing Content and Usability: Copywriting and Labeling


5- Copywriting & Labeling: Although it might seem minor in the grand scheme of development, the content within your application plays a crucial role in user engagement and experience. This stage focuses on perfecting the copy and labels, ensuring they are clear, concise, and aligned with the application’s overall tone.

The collaboration between designers, developers, copywriters, and information architects is vital to place every piece of text accurately, enhancing the application’s usability and user interface. If it’s headlines, captions, or instructional content, each element is meticulously crafted to resonate with the end-users, ensuring the application is not just functional but also informative and user-friendly.

Rigorous Validation: Testing and Launching the Web Application


6- Testing & Launch: The axiom “test twice, deploy once” is never truer than in web application development. This stage is crucial, as it uncovers any discrepancies, bugs, or usability issues that could undermine the user experience. The testing phase is comprehensive, examining core features, form functionalities, navigational links, button responses, upload capabilities, textual content, and transition effects to ensure everything operates seamlessly.

Even with thorough testing, adopting a phased launch approach can be wise, starting with a beta release to garner user feedback and make necessary adjustments before a full-scale launch. Depending on the project’s scope and resources, the application might be released to varied user groups in stages, allowing for incremental improvements based on real-world usage.

Explore our expertise in web application development and learn about our comprehensive testing and launch strategies. Discover how we ensure your web app’s success from the ground up.


7- Application Maintenance: Post-launch, the journey of a web application is far from over. Continuous maintenance is pivotal for its longevity and relevance. Over time, your application will require updates, feature enhancements, and optimizations to stay aligned with evolving user expectations and technological advancements.

Regular maintenance not only addresses the emerging needs but also anticipates future trends, ensuring your web application remains a front-runner in its domain. If it’s adapting to new market demands, expanding functionalities, or upgrading to the latest technologies, ongoing maintenance is key to sustaining and enhancing the application’s value and performance.


Cost Considerations: Navigating Web App Development Expenses

Web App Development Cost: The financial aspect of web application development can vary widely based on your project’s complexity, chosen technologies, and specific goals. On average, a specialized web application development company might charge between $10,000 and $50,000 for a robust application equipped with modern features.

If you’re envisioning a large-scale project from scratch, be prepared for significant investment. However, outsourcing development to regions like India can offer substantial cost benefits, potentially saving up to 40% of your budget without compromising on quality.

Given the variability of development costs, we recommend consulting with our experts for a tailored quote, ensuring you receive a comprehensive understanding of the potential investment based on your specific objectives and requirements.


Wrapping Things Up: A Heart-to-Heart on Web Apps

Journeying Through Web App Development Together: Reflecting on this journey, it feels like we’ve been through a shared adventure, doesn’t it? Developing a web application is a bit like going on a road trip. You have a map, sure, but the real fun lies in the unexpected detours, the little roadside attractions you discover along the way, and the camaraderie you build with your travel companions—your development team.

Think about the last time you were on a road trip. You probably had moments where the GPS led you astray, or you found a hidden gem just off the beaten path. That’s what developing a web application feels like. It’s a series of planned steps and spontaneous discoveries. And just like any good trip, it leaves you with stories to tell and lessons learned for the next journey.

Your Web App’s Future: Growing and Adapting Together: Now, imagine your web application is like a tree in your backyard. You’ve planted it, watered it, and watched it grow. But it doesn’t just need maintenance; it needs love, attention, and the occasional pruning. You wouldn’t ignore a tree that’s been a part of your life for years, would you? Similarly, your web app is a living entity that thrives on user feedback, new features, and the latest tech nourishment.

In this fast-paced digital world, your web app needs to be like a chameleon, adapting to new trends and user expectations. It’s not just about keeping the engine running; it’s about painting the car, tuning the engine, and sometimes, even adding a few new gadgets to keep the ride exciting.


Let’s Get Real: Why We Love What We Do

Here at Etelligens, we’re not just tech whizzes pressing keys and writing code. We’re a bunch of folks who get genuinely thrilled about bringing your digital dreams to life. Every new project is like a novel we can’t wait to dive into, each with its own plot twists, characters, and climaxes.

Embarking on Your Web App Adventure: If you’re scribbling ideas on a cafe napkin or you’ve got an app that’s feeling a bit last season and needs a makeover, we’re all ears. We’re here to listen, brainstorm, and journey with you from ‘What if?’ to ‘What’s next?’

So, What’s the Next Chapter? Let’s Talk: If any of this resonates with you, or if you’re just curious to chat about the wild world of web application development, why not drop us a line? Forget the formalities; let’s just talk about your ideas, your vision, and how we can make the digital space a bit more ‘you.’


Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar CTO
Ajay brings over a decade of experience leading dynamic engineering teams and spearheading the development of innovative software projects. He is a strong advocate for agile methodologies and user-centered design, ensuring that technical solutions seamlessly align with business objectives for enhanced growth and efficiency. Ajay's vast knowledge spans across diverse programming languages and architectures, and he continuously strives to push technological boundaries while fostering collaboration and talent development within his teams.