Custom Web App Development is Our Playground We Practice Communication

Writing source code is hard, but it’s just one part of a much larger puzzle. The most frustrating question to ask might be: is it so difficult to secure a web application? For many companies, the answer is still yes, mainly because vulnerabilities can appear at all stages of development and deployment. As a leading web application development company, we have identified the reasons.

The two most popular web application architectures are:

Server-side Rendering:

When you visit a website by clicking a URL, a request is sent to the server. After the request is processed, the browser receives the files (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and the content of the web page, and then renders it.

Client-side Rendering:

The main difference between server-side rendering and client-side rendering is that when you visit a website that uses CSR, a single request can be made to the server to load the primary skeleton of the app. Content is then dynamically generated using JavaScript.

Some Custom Web App Development Tips!

To ensure that Web App developers can give maximum performance, several points should be kept in mind during development:

  • Avoid frequent crashes.
  • Be capable of scaling up or down easily.
  • Be easy to use.
  • Have a faster response time.
  • Have automated deployments.
  • Log errors
  • Not have a single point of failure
  • Solve the query in a consistent and uniform manner.
  • Support contemporary requirements and technology.
  • Make use of reinforced security features to reduce the risk of malicious intrusions.

Types of Web Software Architecture

  • Microservices are a type of service-oriented architecture applied to shape distributed software systems.
  • Single-page applications are particularly reminiscent of desktop applications.
  • Serverless architectures are a type of internet app structure method that developers do not need to configure and administer servers running control software programs.

Food for Thought

Whether you need a web app or an Android app, an iOS app, or a cross-platform app, it should be less of a technical question and more of a marketing one. Thankfully, as an Application Consulting Company, we have explored most of the advertising questions along with the technical pros and cons of web, native, and cross-platform apps in great depth.

Rohit Gupta
Rohit Gupta Principal Consultant
Rohit leverages his deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies like Blockchain, AI, and RPA to develop solutions across various industries, including healthcare, customer experience management, and more. As a Principal Consultant, he champions process automation strategies that deliver a return on investment within a year. Rohit's expertise in digital transformation empowers businesses to achieve their strategic goals.