What is the Cost to Build a Smartphone App?

Smartphone Apps have ushered in this digital revolution. In recent years, websites are not the only means to establish brand identity and generate leads & make sales. Building custom mobile applications have become a trend among SMEs and big brands. Here, are the factors that affect custom application development services, so let’s find out:-

Business Model

To quest to build a successful App commences with your business plan & model for driving in revenue. This factor is crucial when it comes to the cost of creating an App. You need to ask yourself several questions, first, how you will be monetizing the App? What devices & platforms will the App work?  Does your target audience pay emphasis to the cutting-edge visuals of the App or improved functionality? The answer to these determines how you want the App to be, ultimately, the costs associated with creating a tailored App.


So, you’ve determined how you want the app; the next step is deciding on the platform. You can either develop an App that works on multiple platforms such as iOS, Android, Web, or any of these platforms. Depending upon the platform you opt for, the cost is going to vary. 

iOS applications are cheaper & faster to build. This is perhaps the reason most companies initially roll-out iOS only Apps, then move to Android applications. However, regular maintenance is required; you could prove to be costly. Another thing to keep in mind, it has been seen iOS spend way more on in-App purchase compared to Android. 

App Type & Functionality

Taking from step 2, you know the platform, now it’s time to dive into the real App development game. The kind of App you’re aiming to build, along with the technical specifications, will be a big factor in the overall cost of a smartphone  App. With apps becoming more and more dynamic, there is no virtually no limit to what you can do. The Apps can be broken down in the following categories:-

  • Table/List
  • Database
  • Dynamic
  • Games

Have an App in mind? Reach out to us today, we’ve a panel of App development experts offering custom Android/iOS App Development Services at reasonable prices. 

Ankur Shrivastav
Ankur Shrivastav CEO and Co-Founder
Ankur is a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience building successful web and app products for startups, small and medium enterprises, and large corporations. As the CEO & Founder of Etelligens, his passion lies in technology leadership and fostering strong engineering teams. Ankur's extensive experience has allowed him to guide over 250 founders in launching impactful software solutions that drive growth and innovation.