Mobile Game Development Process – A Comprehensive Overview

Mobile games have become a popular pastime for smartphone users, and technological advancements have propelled the mobile game trend. This growth has created numerous opportunities for businesses to enter the lucrative mobile game market. However, developing a game is a complex process that requires an understanding of the mobile game development process, including planning, designing, implementation, and distribution of the game on the app store.

Mobile game development process

Investing in Mobile Game Development

The mobile game market is highly lucrative, extensive, and diverse. With over 3.24 billion people playing mobile games worldwide, the mobile gaming industry is expected to reach $116.4 billion in revenue by 2024. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, with the number of mobile gamers increasing by 46% during the first quarter of 2020. Therefore, investing in a mobile game app can be a profitable business strategy.


Guide to Developing a Successful Mobile Game

The process of developing a successful mobile game app involves several steps. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a mobile game app that follows a rock-solid idea, contains engaging and unique gameplay, and has a relevant monetization strategy. The headings in this article include:


1- A Superb Game Idea

A unique and out-of-the-box idea is essential to create the foundation of any successful mobile game. This section provides tips on how to develop an idea that will entice gamers around the world.


2- Build an Engaging Story

Game stories play a crucial role in the mobile game development process. This section highlights the importance of storytelling in game development and provides tips on how to craft a compelling story that will attract your target audience.


3- Make a Rock-Solid Game Plan

Developing a game plan is necessary for any game development project. This section provides an overview of the key elements that should be included in a game plan, including graphics or art, marketing, gameplay or design, and the technical structure and development of the game.


4- Decide an Estimated Game Development Cost

To develop a market-ready product with a high ROI, it’s essential to consider the factors that affect game development costs. This section provides an overview of the critical factors that should be considered when determining the estimated budget for mobile game development.


5- Choose a Game Development Platform

The choice of the platform to run your game app is critical. This section provides an overview of the factors to consider when selecting a platform, including the number of Android and iOS users and budget limitations.


6- Select a Mobile Game Engine

Selecting a game engine is crucial to the success of your mobile game app. This section provides an overview of the available engines for mobile gaming and provides tips on how to select the one that can meet your gaming needs.


7- Create a Game Design Document

Developing a game design document is necessary to design a game. This section explains the importance of this document and the details it should include.


8- Design the Game Structure

An attractive game structure is essential to increase your sales. This section provides an overview of the elements that should be included when designing the architecture, such as the environment, characters, objects, and texture.


9- Make a Playable Prototype

Building a playable prototype is necessary to figure out game design errors. This section explains the importance of this step and how it can help you fix many issues during the development process.


10- Design and Develop Your Mobile Game

Once the prototype has been approved, the actual game design work starts. This section provides tips on how to create an exceptional app back-end, consider all the features, functionalities, technologies, experience, navigation, etc.


11- Mobile Game Testing

QA testing is essential before launching your game in the market. This section explains why following this step is mandatory and how professional developers test mobile games.


12- Select a Monetization Strategy

The game will be your source of income, and therefore, you should follow a monetization plan during this stage. To meet your revenue targets, you can go for in-app purchasing, monthly subscription model, sponsored ads, paid mobile games, premium versions, free-to-play games, real money games, etc.


Final Thoughts on Mobile Game Development

Bringing your game idea to life can be a tough undertaking that involves overcoming various obstacles and challenges. To provide your users with an exceptional gaming experience and utilize advanced game development techniques for your business, you can consider hiring a professional mobile game app development company that has the expertise to create successful mobile games and help you expand your business.

About Mobile Game Development

1- Types of Mobile Games

Mobile games come in a variety of genres, including action, arcade, puzzle, casino, card, racing, sports, and more.

2- Platforms for Mobile Game Development

Mobile game developers use different tools and platforms to create 2D and 3D mobile games, such as Unity, Unreal Engine, CryEngine, Godot, Cocos2D, and others.

3- Monetization Strategies for Mobile Games

Mobile games generate revenue using various models, such as in-app purchases, freemium, advertising, subscriptions, and premium versions.

4- Costs of Developing a Mobile Game

The cost of developing a mobile game is influenced by several factors, including game type, design complexity, features, platforms, and developer location. Contact us to obtain an estimate for your game development needs.

Frequently Asked Questions


It's the art and science of crafting engaging and interactive games specifically designed for smartphones and tablets. Imagine a miniature playground where players can tap, swipe, and tilt their way through captivating stories, thrilling challenges, and endless fun.

It's a journey, not a destination! Here's a simplified roadmap:
• Conceptualize: Define your game's genre, target audience, and core mechanics.
• Design and prototype: Sketch out your game's world, characters, and gameplay loop.
• Development: Choose a game engine (Unity, Unreal Engine, etc.), code the game logic, and integrate graphics, sound, and animations.
• Testing and optimization: Playtest relentlessly, identify bugs, and refine the gameplay experience.
• Launch and marketing: Publish your game on app stores, reach your target audience, and build a loyal community.

Benefits: • Reach a massive audience: Mobile games have billions of players worldwide, offering immense potential for success.
• Flexibility and creativity: Experiment with diverse genres, mechanics, and monetization models.
• Rapid iteration and feedback: Easily update your game based on player feedback and market trends.

• Competition is fierce: Stand out from the crowd with innovative ideas and compelling gameplay.
• Technical hurdles: Mastering game engines, coding, and optimization requires dedication.
• Monetization complexities: Finding the right balance between free-to-play and in-app purchases can be tricky.

The world is your oyster! Popular genres include:

• Casual: Puzzle games, endless runners, hyper-casual experiences for quick bursts of fun.

• Strategy: Tower defense, card games, real-time strategy for intricate planning and resource management.

• Action: Arcade shooters, platformers, fighting games for adrenaline-pumping action.

• Adventure: Role-playing games, story-driven experiences with exploration and character progression.

• Simulation: Life sims, city builders, management games for virtual world domination.

It depends on your game's scope, complexity, and development team. Costs can range from a few thousand dollars for simpler games to millions for high-end projects. Remember, investing in quality assets, testing, and marketing can significantly impact your success.

Each app store has specific guidelines regarding content, technical specifications, and privacy policies. Ensure your game complies with these guidelines to avoid rejection and delays.

• Playtest relentlessly: Gather feedback from diverse audiences at different stages of development.

• Utilize analytics tools: Track player behavior, identify bottlenecks, and refine the gameplay experience.

• Focus on retention: Keep players engaged by offering fresh content, challenges, and rewards.

• Build a pre-launch buzz: Utilize social media, influencer marketing, and targeted ads to generate excitement.

• Optimize your app store listing: Craft compelling descriptions, high-quality screenshots, and targeted keywords for discoverability.

• Engage with your community: Actively respond to reviews, feedback, and build a loyal player base.

Not necessarily! Game engines like Unity offer visual scripting tools and pre-built assets that allow you to create basic games without extensive coding knowledge. However, advanced projects often require programming skills or collaboration with experienced developers.

• Unity: A versatile and user-friendly option with a large community and extensive asset library.

• Unreal Engine: Powerful and visually stunning, ideal for high-end 3D games but with a steeper learning curve.

• Godot: Free and open-source engine with a growing community, suitable for 2D and 3D games.

• Construct 3: Easy-to-use engine with a visual scripting system, perfect for beginners and creating 2D games.

Ankur Shrivastav
Ankur Shrivastav CEO and Co-Founder
Ankur is a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience building successful web and app products for startups, small and medium enterprises, and large corporations. As the CEO & Founder of Etelligens, his passion lies in technology leadership and fostering strong engineering teams. Ankur's extensive experience has allowed him to guide over 250 founders in launching impactful software solutions that drive growth and innovation.