4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Tap Into Mobile Technology’s Potential

Have you ever wondered how many people in the world own a handheld device and that too a smart one?

Stop wondering and start googling.

Or if you feel lazy, keep on reading!

According to Bankmycell, approximately 3.8 billion smartphone users today, making 48.16 percent of the global population. Therefore, it implies that up to half of the global population own a smart device.

There was a considerable rise from 2016 when just 2.5 billion users accounted for 33.58 percent of the world population.

Moreover, in the United States itself, individuals spend an average of four hours each day on their mobile devices, accounting for more than half of all online traffic and video views.

It’s no wonder that mobile is the platform fueling many company innovations, given this level of user engagement. However, all entrepreneurs should keep in mind that the future is mobile.

According to research, texts have a 98 percent open rate compared to email’s 20%, and texts have a 45 percent response rate than email’s 6%.

However, marketing and retail aren’t the only areas where mobile is gaining traction. Telehealth is becoming a more popular subcategory of healthcare because of its ease and safety, and patients are increasingly relying on their mobile devices to communicate with physicians.

Entrepreneurs must use mobile technology in their dealings with people as mobile’s significant capabilities continue to develop in all areas.

Ways Entrepreneurs Can Tap into Mobile Technology

There are many different ways entrepreneurs can get the most of mobile technology, but these four are a great place to start:

1- Safeguard Consumers

While many businesses utilize mobile data to create more focused and efficient marketing efforts, it also safeguards customers. Operators can monitor client actions in a mobile app, resulting in a more responsible gaming experience for all parties while supporting better business practices.

Entrepreneurs in various sectors can take a page from this book and use mobile platforms to care for their customers. However, regardless of the actions, it’s critical to follow state and federal mobile communication rules and obtain consumer authorization ahead of time.

2- Maintain A Clean Physical Environment

QR code-based payments never took off until the pandemic,” says Jared Isaacman, CEO of Shift4 Payments. Throughout the epidemic, we noticed individuals using their phones to look up menus. They do, however, pay using QR codes. They’re even using QR codes to place orders. It’s practical, but it also foreshadows a world without touch. When you eliminate a physical touchpoint from your business, you reduce the risk of disease transmission and provide a more seamless experience for your consumers.

3- Allow Cashless Payments

Ninety-two percent of small companies adopted contactless payment alternatives at the start of the epidemic. Consumers will continue to seek these alternatives as vaccines become more widely available, and businesses across sectors will be required to supply them. Of course, cashless payment is safer since it prevents the transmission of viruses, but it also offers other benefits. For example, you can process more consumers via fewer checkout lanes when you accept cashless payments.

4- Enhance The Buying Experience

The epidemic destroyed many in-person retail enterprises, and those that survived will need to provide an outstanding experience to re-establish themselves. Retailers must satisfy this need by leveraging mobile to help consumers find, research, and compare goods. Although increasing cell parts are reshaping shopping, it is critical for stores to preserve customer privacy. More than thirty-two percent of customers would not trade information security for a better experience. Therefore businesses should prioritize each to appeal to as many customers as possible.


Being an entrepreneur has a great deal of responsibility, and technology can assist you in becoming the incredible businessperson you can be. An unlimited amount of technology accessible to entrepreneurs can make your lives simpler, from processing cashless payments to safeguarding customers and guarantee that you can thrive both in a startup or an already established business.

However, as new mobile components alter shopping, shops must protect customer privacy. More than 32% of consumers would not exchange data security for a better experience, so businesses must prioritize both to appeal to the broadest potential audience.

Mobile technology has a lot to offer customers, which means it promises entrepreneurs who figure out new ways to use it in their enterprises. We hope the four methods mentioned above help you understand how mobile can help. But don’t stop there; you have a long way to go!

Get in touch with us to know more about how mobile technology can help you get the best of both worlds.

Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar Creative Director
Pankaj is a seasoned web designer with a proven track record in the IT and services industry. His expertise lies in crafting user-friendly and visually appealing websites through his mastery of user experience design, graphics, and logo creation. Pankaj's experience allows him to translate complex ideas into intuitive interfaces that engage and empower users.