What Type of Software Development Services are Provided By A Company?

Building up software is surely a complex task. There are specialized software development services that require a team of people to build software. Software development itself has many branches in itself. Software development companies provide different services about software development. In this article, let’s dig in at what services software development offers.

Kinds of Software Development Services Provided By Companies

1- Web Development

Web development deals in website development on digital platforms. The website structure can be complex as well as simple. Complex websites comprise dozens of actions about the structure of the website. A website also requires maintenance, updates, and up-gradation process, and this is something that has to be done regularly. For these services, software developers are hired.

2- Mobile App Development

It consists of mobile app development services. There are two areas for which an app is developed, either for iOS devices or android. There can be cross-platform apps or hybrid ones. In mobile development one app can also be made that stays compatible with both IOS and android devices, this type comes under progressive web apps. From mobile game apps to utility apps, everything is made by a software developer.

3- Data Science

Businesses use various tools so that traffic on their websites can be analyzed. Analyzing trends and devising strategies to increase the value of a product comes under data science. Today many job opportunities exist in this area of software development. The analytics are used to build powerful software solutions and for bringing worthwhile updates.

4- Application Development

Application development is used for server-based apps that come in desktops. Many businesses like to go through the traditional way by having apps on the desktop instead of the cloud. The apps developed through application development help companies perform their daily functions smoothly and keep their database safe.

5- Embedded Systems

With the increase in demand for IoT (internet of things) based services, the demand for embedded system service is also rising. Embedded systems use coding skills to develop software on the internet or the technology that devices or machines run on. The knowledge of Raspberry Pi or Arduino is necessary for IoT.

6- Cloud Computing

Nowadays, in modern technology, businesses prefer saving their important data and files in cloud computers. It makes the data easy to manage and secure too. Software developers provide cloud computing services in which they develop cloud software on the internet. They develop powerful web solutions and join them with the cloud computing storage application. An example for this kind is Amazon web services (AWS).

With the boost in the number of websites and apps, the call for software developers is increasing. Most businesses prefer outsourcing the services of a software developer, so they approach software development companies.

At Etelligens, we enlighten you with an amazing and highly qualified team of software developers who leave no stones unturned to give you quality work.

Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar Creative Director
Pankaj is a seasoned web designer with a proven track record in the IT and services industry. His expertise lies in crafting user-friendly and visually appealing websites through his mastery of user experience design, graphics, and logo creation. Pankaj's experience allows him to translate complex ideas into intuitive interfaces that engage and empower users.