How to Choose the Best App Development Company: Insights and Strategies for Businesses

In today’s digital world, mobile applications have become an essential part of every business. Mobile app development is a systematic process that involves several phases, including ideation, methodology, design, improvement, deployment, and post-launch. Each app is unique, and the methodologies used by app developers are continually evolving. In this article, we will discuss the crucial elements that customers need to consider when selecting an app development company.

app development

Freelance vs. Expert Business Enterprise: Choosing the Right Partner

Selecting the right app development partner can be a daunting task, especially for those who lack knowledge of the benefits and drawbacks of each option. While selecting between a freelancer and an app development company, it is vital to consider the following factors:

  • Large-sized corporations are advised to opt for app development firms. Such companies are updated with the latest trends and technologies, provide a streamlined development workflow, offer diverse experience, and provide consistent updates and support, eliminating legal hassles.
  • On the other hand, freelance app developers may not be a reliable option, as they may disappear without any notice. Moreover, freelancers may not care about product quality, confidentiality issues may arise, and they may lack business skills and may not offer additional maintenance.

For these reasons, it is always advisable to choose an expert organization for your mobile app development needs.


Prepared-to-Use vs. Custom Apps: Choosing the Right Fit

While prepared-to-use apps may suffice for small-sized companies, they can never compete with the personalized experience offered by custom apps. Custom apps offer several benefits, such as:

  • Tailored experience for the users
  • Ability to add specific features as per the business requirements
  • UI features and functionality are designed according to the customers’ needs and business goals
  • Offers the perfect level of security
  • Unique features not available in ready-made apps, provides a robust competitive advantage
  • Dedicated technical support is available, and much more

Therefore, custom apps are preferred for an outstanding app experience.

Native vs. Hybrid Mobile Apps: Making the Right Choice

Small-sized companies may choose hybrid app development because of its portability (one code base, multiple platforms). However, for medium-sized and large-sized companies, native apps work best. Native apps offer better user experience, access to device hardware/software programs (GPS, location, shake, calendar, etc.), easy discoverability in app stores (Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store), and native UI, which enables users to quickly learn the app.


The Nine Steps to Make an App

At Etelligens Technologies, we follow a comprehensive nine-step process to create the perfect app for your business needs. These steps include:

  • Sketching your app idea
  • Conducting market research
  • Creating mockups of your app
  • Designing your app’s graphics
  • Building your app landing page
  • Developing the app with Xcode and Swift
  • Launching the app in the app store
  • Marketing your app to reach the right people
  • Improving your app with user feedback


Selecting the right app development partner and the type of app that suits your business needs is crucial for creating a successful app. We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the various factors that need to be considered before selecting an app development company. Etelligens Technologies is a leading mobile app development company that offers a wide range of app development services tailored to meet your business requirements.

Umesh Chandra
Umesh Chandra Business Manager
Umesh boasts extensive experience across the entire software development lifecycle, having participated in numerous projects of varying scope. This has equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of designing, implementing, and maintaining large-scale E-commerce applications that integrate seamlessly with external systems like logistics platforms, payment providers, and content management solutions. Umesh's skillset extends beyond technical proficiency; he also demonstrates exceptional process redesign capabilities and excels in managing successful teams, both onshore and offshore.