B2B Marketplace Development Services

B2B Marketplace Development Services

We help our clients get the best of untapped B2B marketplace opportunities!

B2B Marketplace Development services

Etelligens team has been building unique marketplaces for various businesses. We conduct extensive research on prospective clients' demographics, tastes, and experiences to drive tremendous traffic, enhance conversions, and increase sales. Want to build a global marketplace, Try out our B2B marketplace development services.

B2B Marketplace Development | Features

We assist B2B brands in developing customized web and mobile B2B marketplace platforms by providing unmatched B2B marketplace development services.

B2B Advanced Search And Filters
Advanced Search And Filters

This feature enables users to effortlessly navigate your website and locate what they're looking for.

B2B Custom Catalog Segmentation
Custom Catalog Segmentation

We enable vendors to upload catalogs and place direct orders, streamlining and personalizing the purchasing process.

B2B Dashboards

Manufacturers and retailers can use this tool to track active, pending, or canceled orders, check order details, and evaluate and forecast sales.

B2B Detailed Product Description
Detailed Product Description

This feature provides custom sections where manufacturers can enter the relevant product information and upload videos and photographs.

B2B New Marketing Channel
New Marketing Channel

This tool enables businesses to boost their growth and diversify their revenue streams by entering new markets.

Personalized Pricing Strategies
Personalized Pricing Strategies

This section contains rate calculators and example costs for a selection of standard orders.

Personalized Recommendations
B2B Personalized Recommendations

This feature of individualized product recommendations enables clients to provide the most pleasing experiences.

B2B Streamlined Selling
Streamlined Selling

This functionality enables clients to focus on what matters most—shopping experience, sales, and a client-centric approach while automating the rest.

Types Of B2B Marketplace We Cater To

  • Vertical B2B Marketplace Vertical B2B Marketplace

    Vertical marketplaces serve a highly targeted population with a singular focus. The benefit of selling and purchasing within a specific niche is that customers have similar needs.

  • Horizontal B2B Marketplace Horizontal B2B Marketplace

    The horizontal B2B marketplace is opposite of the vertical market. It enables you to sell and acquire items and services from a variety of industries and segments.

  • Product-based B2B Marketplace Product-based B2B Marketplace

    A business offers physical things to other companies in a product-based B2B marketplace. This company operates as a supplier, offering customized items to many different companies.

  • Service-based B2B Marketplace Service-based B2B Marketplace

    A service-based B2B marketplace enables organizations to offer a variety of services to one another. By supplying their services, one business assists other businesses.

  • Hybrid B2B Marketplace Hybrid B2B Marketplace

    A hybrid B2B marketplace offers multiple marketplaces. It could be B2B, business-to-consumer, or business-to-consumer. Because it contains both B2B and B2C relationships, the hybrid market is a complicated network.

Our Steps To Develop Custom B2B Marketplace

B2B Discovery Stage

Discovery Stage

We assist you with gathering and organizing your requirements, prioritizing business objectives, and comprehending your target market at this point.

B2B Marketplace UI And UX Design

UI And UX Design

We employ cutting-edge user experience and user interface design techniques to create aesthetically appealing and engaging solutions.

B2B MVP Development

MVP Development

Our talented engineering team creates your marketplace following industry best practices.

B2B Marketplace Post-Release Support

Post-Release Support

Even after the deployment of your project, we continue to work on it and resolve any issues that may arise.

Looking For A Reliable B2B Marketplace Development Company?

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Frequently Asked Questions


A B2B marketplace is where merchants directly deal with other merchants to sell their products and services.

A vertical marketplace sells goods and services tailored to a specific industry, trade, or profession with specialized demands.

A horizontal market is one in which a product or service satisfies a need shared by a diverse group of buyers from different sectors of the economy.

Building a B2B marketplace entails a series of processes, including:

  • Establishing market segment
  • Developing a value proportion to entice the target audience
  • Selecting the primary B2B marketplace feature
  • Getting B2B marketplace development services from a reputable B2B development company.

You can focus on SEO to increase the number of users discovering your eCommerce site through search results.